
Illustration from: The Last Tower

Back from the 2014 Desiring God National Conference

Emblem Media has been busy!

We were honored to have our Hound of Heaven films and book presented at the 2014 Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis in September.

The other great news is that our documentary, The Hound of Heaven: The Francis Thompson Story, will have its broadcast premiere on EWTN, October 14, at 6:30 pm EDT.

Visit the EWTN channel finder for your local cable listings.

DIRECTV channel 370DISH Network channel 261

You can also watch it live on the web!

The Hound of Heaven website is now live! We are excited to offer helpful information and materials from this online source in the days ahead.

Our Hound of Heaven DVD will be available for sale in October. This DVD will contain both the documentary of The Hound of Heaven: The Francis Thompson Story as well as The Hound of Heaven: A Modern Adaptation.  

The Hound of Heaven: A Modern Adaptation book is a beautifully illustrated edition that actually contains two versions of the poem—the original and our modern adaptation. Despite the depth and beauty of the poem, it is written in a vernacular difficult to understand. Our rationale for the adaptation of this masterpiece is to reveal its timeless beauty and insights for a broad, modern audience. The book also contains some interesting background material on Francis Thompson and the poem.  It’s a wonderful companion to the videos and would certainly make a nice gift to share with family and friends.

Finally, we will also be making an audio recording of the original poem available on iTunes. Narrated by London-born actor David Suchet, we think you’ll find that his exquisite voice adds a whole new dimension to experiencing the poem.

We look forward to connecting with you in the days ahead regarding other events and some special projects nearing completion. You won’t want to miss our Lilias Trotter film that will be released later in 2015.
