“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates
Socrates is considered one of the greatest of the ancient Greek philosophers and one of the founders of Western philosophy. His most significant contribution to modern thought was the development of the didactic method of inquiry, which became known as the “Socratic method." He applied this method to the examination of the key moral concepts of good and justice, and often challenged the Athenian politics and society of the day. Ultimately, the powerful Athenian aristocracy turned against him, and he was brought to trial for sedition. At the trial, he proclaimed that he would choose death rather than exile from Athens or a commitment to silence, as they were demanding. He believed that in order to be fully human and to grow personally and spiritually, we need to take the time to examine and reflect upon our life, for it is this ability that separates us from the animal kingdom. Such examination and reflection is a lifelong process that enables us to build our character and to understand who we are and why we are here. For Socrates, this was more than just a philosophical statement or pri nciple, it was one of his core beliefs, as demonstrated by his willingness to die rather than be silenced.
(by Timothy Oxley in his book The Greatest Words Ever Spoken)