
Emblems of Leadership Imagined- Revised & Expanded

By Brian Oxley

Available on Amazon in paperback

This second edition of Emblems of Leadership Imagined - Silent Parables has been revised and expanded with seven new Emblems and eight revised Emblems along with updated content.

Using original art that conceptualizes the thoughts that are stimulated by the accompanying commentary, Brian Oxley draws the reader on a soul-searching journey for the meaning of leadership imagined. As he explains in his introduction, "We may sometimes forget that leadership is a privilege more than an entitlement. It has its rewards and acclaim, but also, at times, its heavy burdens - being accountable to customers, employees, shareholders, and our families. We need strength from the moral and spiritual realm that is greater than ourselves." Brian challenges the reader to join him in meditating on developing the effective skills needed to make an impact on the people we lead.

Product Details
Author: Brian Oxley
Illustrator: Tim Ladwig
Editor: Beckie Oxley
Paperback: 104 pages
Color: Color Illustrated Edition
Genre: Business & Management
Publisher: Oxvision Books
Date: December 27, 2011
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0615537162
ISBN-13: 978-0615537160
Dimensions: 5.9 x 8.3 inches