
W.S. "Fluke" Holland: The Father of Drums

By Brian Oxley

Available on Amazon in paperback

Born in Saltillo, Tennessee, a small town on the banks of the Tennessee River, young “Fluke” Holland never doubted he could do whatever he turned his mind to. Whether it was building a motorcycle from a washing machine motor and an old bicycle or teaching himself to play the drums in just a few days, he just assumed he could do it. Fluke went on to invent his own unique style of drumming and played on Carl Perkins’ timeless hit “Blue Suede Shoes,” the first million seller for Sun Records.

Just as he was about to settle down, Fluke received another call, this time from Johnny Cash asking him to join his band for two weeks on the road. Two weeks turned into a lifetime of music-making, as Fluke continues to drum to his own special beat, one that shows no signs of stopping.

Product Details
Author: Brian Oxley
Illustrator: Tim Ladwig
Paperback: 30 pages
Color: Color Illustrated Edition
Genre: Children's Book
Publisher: Oxvision Books, LLC
Date: September 20, 2016
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1938068203
ISBN-13: 978-1938068201
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches