
Illustration from: Intolerance



Emblem Media’s Hound of Heaven Featured on Nov. 25 BreakPoint Broadcast

Emblem Media’s  The Story of Francis Thompson documentary and the Modern Adaptation of The Hound of Heaven video will be discussed on BreakPoint on Tuesday, November 25BreakPoint is a nationwide radio broadcast serving 1,350 outlets across the U.S. The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview produces the daily program.

Click here to find a radio station that broadcasts BreakPoint in your area.

After the broadcast, the story will be available to listen to or read online at BreakPoint’s website. Emblem Media is also partnering with BreakPoint to offer a limited, special online screening of our documentary, The Hound of Heaven: The Story of Francis Thompson. Look for details on BreakPoint’s website. 

In the meantime, if you have not visited  ournew site, please click to learn more about our latest projects.
